Guidance on face coverings

Just a very quick update on face coverings. From Monday 15th June the wearing of face coverings is mandatory on public transport, however there is a list of exemptions – see below. One of these is for children under 11 years old (primary school children). This is a regulation for face coverings, not a PPE type face mask. And the regulation will only apply to passengers, it will not apply to the workforce. The wearing of any protective clothing or PPE by the workforce is a matter for operators to address following a risk assessment as part of your health and safety responsibilities.

Face coverings are not mandatory for closed school transport contracts and NCC are not making it a requirement for use of school transport, although we are advising students that wearing one is recommended. 

For students who are using public transport services to get to school, they have been told that they have to wear a face covering. As with all passengers, operators have discretion over how their staff can enforce this regulation. We ask that you remind students of the rules but you do have the right to deny access. If you do allow them to travel but they continue to fail to comply then please report it to us so that we can help with appropriate action..

Who is exempt?
· Following an Equalities Impact Assessment, exemptions will apply to those with:
• Breathing difficulties and other respiratory conditions.
• Conditions effecting their dexterity, meaning they are not able to put on a face covering.
• Mental health conditions such as anxiety or panic disorders.
• Other non-visible disabilities such as autism.
• Cognitive impairments, including dementia, who may not understand or remember the need to wear a face covering.
• Visual impairments, with a restricted field of vision, particularly if any residual vision is at the lower edge of the normal field of view.
• Impairments which would make it difficult to put on or take off a face covering safely, accurately, consistently or without pain.
• We also expect there to be reasonable judgement to ensure people can respond appropriately to avoid the risk of harm to themselves or others, and seek emergency medical assistance if required.
• The exemptions also apply to those who rely on lip reading. This would include carers who are travelling with someone for whom a face covering will inhibit communication.
• Passengers will also be able to remove their face covering for eating/drinking if necessary and taking essential medication.
• The regulation will not apply to children under 11, or children on dedicated school transport services.
The above list of exemptions is not exhaustive and would extend to someone who has a justifiable reason for not wearing one on the grounds of health or disability not outlined above.

I hope this clarifies. Please let me know if you have any queries.

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